by Dale Walker | Mar 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
18.5The community voted for 18.5 from the choice of 3 workouts:18.5 is a repeat of 11.6.We knew it was coming.Pull ups and Thrusters, thanks Dave.It’s 7 minutes of FRAN on Steroids!This workout...
by Dale Walker | Mar 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
18.4 Men’s storiesLift heavy and a new hand-stand push up standard.Austin Malleolo won 18.4 in 6 mins 2 secsMat Fraser in 6 mins 39 secs Mat Fraser is still on top with a score of 96...
by Dale Walker | Mar 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
In 2017 the fittest athletes on Earth took on the unknown and unknowable during four of the most intense days of competition in CrossFit Games history. “The Redeemed and the Dominant: Fittest...
by Dale Walker | Mar 21, 2018 | Uncategorized
18.4 Women’s storiesEveryone is talking about the heavy Deadlifts and the new standard of HSPU’s.Annie got 5 mins 34 secs for 18.4Remember that she had a back injury from heavy Deadlifts...
by Dale Walker | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Handstand Push Up (HSPU) standard has caught loads of people out.In 18.4, it’s not 21 handstand push-ups. It’s 21 handstand push-ups that meet the new movement standards. For the...
by Dale Walker | Mar 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
How many NO REPS did you get on the Hand-stand Push ups?How’s your back feeling after all those Deadlifts?18.4, what was the score?Men:Mat Fraser & Austin Malleolo completed 18.4 in 6 mins...