Wrist Mobility for CrossFit
The wrist allows you to properly position your hand, representing arguably one the most complicated joints in the body. There are 15 bones and 27 articular surfaces in the wrist,...
How to Fix Wrist Pain For Lifting
For a lot of people the main cause of wrist pain is they lack strength. They're not strong enough to tap a keyboard or push a mouse without coming down with some sort of...
The Return of Old School Break Dancing Moves
If you thought your break-dancing days were over then think again. I'm sure the above warm up took you back to a time when your body never let you down. These days, you need to...
CrossFit Wrist Mobility with Ben Smith
Wristy Business...Is wrist pain interfering with your CrossFit training, yoga practice or general workout or Life?Wrist Pain: Our hands, by design, were not intended for...
Physical Training – It’s not without Wrist
Wrist SprainsThe most common sporting injury to the wrist is a wrist sprain. There are many ligaments in the wrist that can be torn or stretched, resulting in a...
Glutes for Days after this simple exercise
For many guys, having large gluteal muscles isn't particularly desirable. I tend to agree despite mine being extremely large. With that said, working on your glutes could prove...
Bulletproof Your Knees
Working for long stretches without taking a break; making awkward stretching or twisting movements involving your knee joints, or pushing and pulling unwieldy objects places stress on...
Bulletproof Your Ilio-tibial Band
The knee pain that won't quitIliotibial band syndrome is a common overuse injury that causes severe knee pain, and can be difficult to cure.Most non-runners have never heard of the...
Squat Without Knee Pain
Knees can hurt for many reasons like overuse, underuse, overweight, falling on them, many reasons. It is easy to tweak your knee when your body turns but your foot does not. And,...