Shoulder Doc explains the most common CrossFit Problem
The Shoulder joint is in fact 4 different joints.The Ball & Socket joint of the shoulder is called the Gleno-humeral joint.When you lift your arm, the rotator cuff tendon...
Back pain got you scared of lifting heavy again?
People today are growing more and more conscious about their bodies and they are opting to go to the gym and doing regular exercises. However, if you do not know how to lift...
The quick fix technique for CrossFit athletic back pain
'THE CORE' is probably the most overused term in health and exercise therapies. Flick your television on to any shopping channel and someone will be selling a new piece of kit...
The Story of Lower Back Pain
As athletes we often focus on our bodies but forget to work on our minds. When athletes are in pain they have a tendency to think very negative thoughts as our self image is...
It’s No Longer Crunch Time For Abdominals!
Paul Chek has been teaching this for years. Let us look at how the abdominals really work and get away from this isolationist exercise ideology by returning to...
Challenge Your Belief on “Core Stability”
Core stability is being challenged by Prof Peter O’Sullivan and his team. Cognitive functional therapy (CFT) is a relatively new approach to athletes with lower back pain....
Bulletproof Your Back With McGill’s Big 3
This week I have been emailed by a high level Athlete with Lower Back pain who is having difficulty returning to her full training.Lots of Rehabilitation will talk...
What is the Biering Sorensen Extension Test?
Dr. Fin Biering-Sorenson, a Danish spine expert, found that the key to preventing lower back pain is to build up "isomeric endurance".The ability of the lower back muscles...
Single Leg Plyometric Exercises
The word plyometric comes from the Greek word "pleythyein," which means to increase or augment. It is based on two Latin root words, plio, which means more and metric, which means...