Can You Do One Arm Pull Ups?
I'd like to share a cool conditioning workout that I came up with a few months ago in order to get stronger and better conditioned in a short period of time. It incorporates...
Explosive Single Leg Heel Raises – are they part of your training?
Explosive Standing Calf Raises First a little anatomy. By now, everyone is aware that the soleus is primarily composed of slow-twitch (ST) fibers and the gastrocnemius...
Bored of Squats? Try Pistol Squats instead
Research from the Allied Dunbar national fitness survey showed that 30% of men and 50% of women aged 65-74 did not have enough strength in their dominant leg to exert a...
Can you do more than 20 press ups? Try single arm instead
The push-up is one of the best all-around upper body exercises. It's simple, it can be done anywhere... and it blasts your pecs, shoulders and triceps at the same time.But it does...
Could you single arm snatch 101 Kg?
Not everyone has the luxury of training in a gym with a row of dumbbells at their fingertips. Not everyone has the luxury of training at home with a few adjustable dumbbells.Most...
Why do we need to train with Gymnastic Rings?
Gymnastics rings are an incredibly versatile training tool for rock climbing. While they won't train your finger strength, they do work a lot of important muscles, like your arms,...
Extreme Sports – What are they & why try them?
An extreme sport (also known as an action sport) is a general, somewhat hazily-defined term for any of several newer sports involving adrenaline-inducing action....
Are you afraid of Failure?
There are far too many people who are afraid they will fall short. In some cases, we avoid posting for a job because it will place us in the line of fire. I know of many...
Animal Movement – are you fit enough to do this?
"First move well, than move often"The above quote by physiotherapist and movement expert Gray Cook very simply defines what we should be doing with our bodies every day to...