The need for SPEED through Calisthenics
Calisthenics are exercises consisting of a variety of gross motor movements including - running, pulling, pushing, squats—often performed rhythmically and generally without...
How to build your own Home Gym – CrossFit style
If you want to begin CrossFit or Kettlebell training, it can help to equip your home with your own gym. While there are gyms that specialize in these types of training,...
CrossFit attracts 8 types of athlete, which one are you?
CrossFit Boxes are a lot like Boxing Gyms. They are full of characters, we are all unique CrossFit snowflakes in our amazing fitness community.In addition to being great...
The British Army now trains Squats, do you?
If I had to choose just one weight training exercise that builds overall lean muscle mass and increases strength, it would have to be squats.But it's important to...
In need of some motivation? Watch this
Ever since CrossFit became popular, I have avoided any form of supportive discussions or been a participant in any local boxes that provide CrossFit workouts.I can now say...
A positive addiction that only CrossFitters understand
CrossFit differentiates itself from many other fitness cultures because of the apparent closer ties both within its boxes and its wider universe. You pretty quickly know who...
Could you do “Murph” all day?
“Murph” is the classic Military Style CrossFit workout known as a Hero WOD.Hero WOD’s are made by CrossFit to honour the men and women that have fallen in the...
Are Burpees the best exercise for the Military?
You haven't done a genuine high intensity workout until you've tried a burpees exercise routine. Yea, the name is kind of odd, but the results after a set of...
Getting started with CrossFit? Bring your friends
CrossFit is the fitness trend sweeping the nation. It's hard to classify CrossFit because a CrossFit workout can include such a wide range of methods and equipment that it does not...