Winning Tips with Mat Fraser
“I’m going to do today what other people aren’t willing to do,So, that I can do today what other people can’t.”What are you doing when no-one is looking?There is no denying we...
Top 10 Motivational Montages
Whether you are an elite athlete or participate in activity for health reasons and for fun then there is one common problem for all - how do you stay motivated? Of course some people are...
What is Dynamic Correspondence?
A lot of avid exercisers love the challenge of trying new sports and activities - and are often surprised by how little their skills in one area translate to another. This...
The 7 Most Important Kettlebell Exercises.
Step away from the dumbbells and barbells because the kettlebell is here to stay in terms of improving your functional training capabilities and fitness levels. Functional...
Functional Training – Is it doing things differently?
It isn't rocket science or a strange secret society, functional movement, functional training, you do functional movement everyday without thinking about it.The term...
The one piece of fitness equipment you don’t have – A Standing Desk
People sitting a lot will definitely have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and early death. Moreover, sitting for a very long time won't burn many calories. In fact, lots of...
What’s stopping you trying your first CROSSFIT COMPETITION?
Competition in life makes you a better person, it is what the American society, and the world thrives best on. If you are trying to better yourself than it is...
This is why you need Endurance in your programming
What is CrossFit Endurance? CrossFit Endurance is a branch of CrossFit that deals with more endurance like activities, like long distance running,...
9 Reasons You Should Be Dating A CrossFit Chick
Guys are always trying to figure out reasons for, or not to date a chick. There's a million reasons that play into what kind of girls we as guys should be dating. So let's...