As an Extreme Athlete how do you handle the heat?
When was the last time you challenged your Thermo-regulatory system?
Bikram Yoga is a great way to maximise your Yoga session.
The heat helps aid muscles to relax, reducing micro-tearing and optimising your flexibility.
The focus on breathing is paramount, with Pranayama breathing to begin, breathing only through the nose during the session and the workout closes with a return to breath.
The 26 postures take 90 minutes to complete and work on your motor control, balance and proprioception.
There is also an element of Mindfulness as Yoga means Union of both body and mind.
How does your body respond to heat stress?
The American Council on Exercise conducted a study involving 20 participants aged between 28 to 67 who were experienced Bikram Yoga participants.
Each person in the study swallowed a censor to measure their core temperature at 10 minute intervals.
In addition, they also measured heart rate every minute.
What they found was that core body temperature went up to near critical levels where normally heat illness mat occur.
Heart rate was measured as a percentage of their maximum.
Interestingly, Men struggled more with the cardiovascular component of the class when compared to the Women during the study.
Hydration strategies were of significant importance before, during and after the Bikram Yoga session.
Thanks to ACE (American Council on Exercise) Fitness.

Hewett, Z.L. et al. (2011). An examination of the effectiveness of an 8-week bikram yoga program on mindfulness, perceived stress, & physical fitness. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 9, 2, 87–92.

Hunter, S.D. et al. (2013). Improvements in glucose intolerance with bikram yoga in older obese adults: a pilot study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 17, 4, 404–407.

Tracy, B.L. and Hart, C.E.F. (2013). Bikram yoga training & physical fitness in healthy young adults. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27, 3, 822–830. 
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