It’s the Reebok CrossFit Open 2017 and 17.1 is upon us.

Your job is to push your body hard and stay injury free over the next 5 weeks.

There are plenty of videos showing you how to optimise your performance for this workout.

However, we at Bulletproofbodies are about injury prevention.

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The WOD is a couplet with inversing ratios of Alternate Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch and Burpee Box Jump-overs.

Workout 17.1
For time:

10 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches
15 burpee box jump-overs
Men use 50-lb. dumbbell and 24-in. box
Time cap: 20 minutes
That’s 150 Dumbbell Snatches and 75 Burpee box jump-overs.

Yeah, thanks Dave!

These are two hip opening exercises.

Overhead shoulder mobility will be more forgiving with Dumbbells. 

However, it is always worth working on overhead mobility.

Most athletes struggle to get the 180 degrees of shoulder flexion and compensate by over extension of the Thoracic spine.

Ultimately, when you fatigue, and you will fatigue. You will use any method to get the Dumbbell overhead.

The tips about using more hip extension and upper body to save your legs for the Burpee Box Jump-overs risks a sub-optimal position if you have not got the Hamstrings flexibility.

To prepare the body to prevent injury it is worth taping the following joints:

Tape the knee – to reduce load on the patella tendon

Tape the back – to keep the connection between hips and spine

Tape the shoulder – to keep awareness of the most stable overhead position
Watch this awesome Video from Rocktape:

It is always worth wearing knee sleeves to protect the skin over the knees when doing burpees.

You should also wear long socks in case you miss on the Box Jumps.

There are no prizes for who has the bloodiest shins!

You will be in enough pain already; you don’t need skin abrasions adding to the mix.
Potentially, up to 20 minutes is a long time, so pace yourself and be consistent.
Don’t fly and die!

Don’t hold your breath on either of the movements.
Performing Step-in burpees will save energy, but you are likely to perform this repeatedly with the same leg forward, thus creating an asymmetry. Try switching the leg every 5 burpees to avoid one side of your body fatiguing.

Don’t get full extension on the top of the box, there is no need.

When you get tired on the burpees there is a double movement as your torso comes up without the rest of the body. 

Make sure you have warmed up the lumbar spine with some extensions before you start the WOD.
Bullet Points
·        Tape the shoulders, low back & knees
·        Wear Knee Sleeves and Long Socks

·        Overhead Shoulder Mobility
·        Hip flexor & Quads Stretches
·        Hamstrings Stretches
·        Prone extensions (Push Up with hips down)

·        Row and Skip for the Warm Up
·        Practice Burpee Step in technique

·        Breathe
·        Pace yourself
·        Grind it out

·        Cool Down on the bike
·        Compression Socks
·        Hydration
·        Nutrition

·        Mobilise all joints