CrossFit can cause injury if you don’t respect the basics and you are trying to progress too fast.
In my last 7 years of treating CrossFit injuries there are 3 reasons why people get injured:
1.    Ego – too much, too soon
2.    Trying to PB every workout
3.    Being Overly Competitive with everyone else
4.    Trying advanced movements that are beyond your skill level (currently)
5.    Training in or through pain
6.    Not listening to the Coach
7.    Trying to Rx a workout you know you suck at
8.    Not concentrating on your posture
9.    Thinking you know better
10.Not performing a proper cool down post WOD
Most of these are beginner mistakes and can be rectified by good coaching that is in all CrossFit Boxes.
Slow and steady Progression is the key.
Beginners tend to want to fast-track their way to competition.
I am never impressed by an Athlete who tells me they have only been doing CrossFit for 6 months and this is their first competition.
Highly skilled Movement pattern, tendons, ligaments and mental robustness take time to adapt and achieve.
You can’t run before you can walk.
You can’t Snatch until you can Overhead Squat

Check out this video from CrossFail:

Pay particular attention to the failed snatch somersault which displays the danger of amateur athletes having a go without proper coaching and progression.
Watch out for your hair ladies when bailing on a back squat!
My particular favorite is the Wall Ball in the face!
Simple things like putting collars on the barbell, can avoid the noisy embarrassment of them clattering to the floor.
CrossFit does not cause injury, impatience with your ability level does.
So, take it slow.

You cannot get fit in one workout, just like you can’t live your life in one day.