At Bulletproofbodies we are always harping on about the importance of being able to perform a squat as part of normal functional movement.
The squat has always been associated with strength & conditioning but its relationship with toileting is often forgotten about.

In Western society we have gotten use to sitting on the porcelain throne and have forgotten the way in which out bodies go to the toilet best, that of the deep squat position.


The “Squatty Potty” is a simple addition to your bathroom that allows you to correct the “ano-rectal” angle.
The Pubo-rectalis muscle maintains the ano-rectal angle and sitting at 90 degrees only partially relaxes this muscle.
Sitting at 90 degrees means the colon is still kinked and is sub-optimal for toileting.
By simply raising the feet this then flexes the hips into a position that mimics normal squatting and allows the colon to fully open.
So the message is simple, if in doubt, SQUAT!

You can purchase yours today from the Bulletproofbodies Blogspot today.

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