So, there has been lots of speculation about why there have been so many Pectoral tears at CrossFit Regionals.
Having just been part of Athletes Services at Meridian Regionals our main aim was to reduce Pectoral tears.
The Men seemed to be getting the tears and not the women.
The exercise in question was Kipping Ring Dips.

Julien Pineu is a CrossFit Coach at CrossFit Invictus (He also does Strongman) 

but he knows a thing or two about Training and discusses the differences between 

Athletes in the Americas and in Europe.


Julien talks about two factors:
Homeostasis and Hormesis
Hormesis is favourable response to stress.
Homeostasis is the body seeking to gain balance. 
“All the programs out there are based on hormesis; how am I going to create the right amount of stress to elicit the response that I want.
Most athletes develop problems because they focus on programmes that give them results in a specific areas, but longer term it will always lead to injuries, or at least getting stuck because they don’t take into account evolution and how the body actually works.
So the problem is more the way that the athlete looks at training, rather than the training itself.
Secondary to this, for CrossFit specifically, the main problem I see is latissimus Dorsi and Hamstrings.
The certain planes of movement that CrossFit tends to work within, lead athletes toward imbalances in these areas.”
Julien Pineau, the Bulletproofbodies Team Salute you!
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