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Bulletproof Physio [email protected]
We always listen in order to find out how we can best serve the Extreme Sports & Conditioning community.

If you are into the Extreme then I’m sure you are no stranger to injury.
We can only control the controllables!

But it is about our General Physical Preparedness (GPP).

Injury is the enemy of Physical Training and so we must learn to make ourselves robust because fit people are harder to kill!

Don’t get Cross get Fit is our free E book to help serve the community we love and are also part of.
The contents of DGCGF are highlighted below:

The first chapter talks about Mind-set and pain being part of the programming.

The second chapter discusses the importance of posture and how this is pre-movement positioning.

The third chapter shows you the route from the conceptual to the functional.

In chapter four we discover basic biomechanics and how these transition into dynamics.

Chapter five is about body tension and the use of suspension training.

The sixth chapter is about adaptation to the demands of your training. Most athletes over train and under recover.

In chapter seven we talk about absorption of force.

Chapter eight is highlights the importance of wearing Body Armour.

The ninth chapter covers rest and recover strategies to optimise your downtime.

Chapter ten is the end to the E book and it discusses “training between training.”

Tell your friends and download a FREE copy today.