Ninja Warrior UK starts its filming today here in Manchester.

Ninja Warrior is hard enough, but could you do it dressed as a T-Rex?


Fancy dress sometimes allows us to be someone other than ourselves.

I always admired those poor souls who run any Marathon is fancy dress.

Especially the guys that run London Marathon dressed as Rhinos.

That is hardcore!

However, training with a weighted vest is a great idea to build strength and endurance.

Just look at the legendary Workout “Murph” for example.

A CrossFit Heroes workout.

By using a weighted vest to perform pullups or dips you could choose to focus on the eccentric (lowering part of the movement).

Eccentrics or “Negatives” as they are sometimes called, are a great way to build strength as your muscles are lengthening under load.

And as we know, not only are stronger people harder to kill, but thet are also less likely to get injured.

Thanks to Fun Maxima for their video, check out their channel on:
So wherever you are, if you are doing something athletic in fancy dress, the Bulletproofbodies Team Salute you.