Are you tired of Functional Fitness Gurus telling you what to do?


Didn’t think so!

Check out this video from JP’s Ultra Spiritual Life:


This guy cracks me up!

“When I see people in the Gym not doing functional exercise, I criticise them in a very educational way. Because I care!”

We all love Functional Training but sometimes we need to look at ourselves in a light-hearted way.

This video makes us reflect on the fact that for our modern sedentary life we don’t actually need a high level of fitness to do our ‘first world’ jobs anymore.

However, what is important is achieving our human potential, especially in the physical realm.

We can’t achieve our physical training goals at work.

We can’t achieve our full potential if we sit down for 8 hours a day!

So what’s the answer?

A sit to stand desk.

We at Bulletproofbodies have been using a standing desk for ages now and the difference to our energy levels and productivity is significant.

Not to mention that we don’t get that “I’ve been sat down all day” feeling that we used to get.

Look at it as training inbetween training sessions.

So check out which desk is best for you by visiting Sit to Stand .com:

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Functional Training = I’m Awesome

JP the Bulletproofbodies Team salute you.