Calisthenics are exercises consisting of a variety of gross motor movements including – running, pulling, pushing, squats—often performed rhythmically and generally without equipment or apparatus. They are, in essence, body-weight training.

Calisthenics Benefits for Speed Training Explained
Calisthenics are perfect for getting in proper shape for running and for gaining the break-neck speed you need to win trophies and make headlines. But some runners and speed training athletes feel that calisthenics aren’t necessary for getting faster. And some are under the misconception that calisthenics training actually makes you slower. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The following calisthenics benefits for speed training should clear the matter up nicely.
Introduces Variety Into Your Training
One of the best benefits of engaging in calisthenics is the fact that you are getting tons of variety in your speed training workout. When you incorporate knee raises, push ups, crunches and planks with very few rests in between sets, you are conditioning your body to be as fast as possible. Remember to keep pushing yourself and to keep trying out different exercises so that you can condition your body even more.
Improves Coordination
When you speak of calisthenics benefits for speed training, you can’t leave out coordination. Coordination plays a huge role when it comes to how fast you are, and if your coordination is off just a little bit you won’t be able to increase your turnover rate and other runners will eventually blow right past you. But if you engage in various calisthenics a few times per week, you’ll become much more coordinated and your speed will increase as a result.
You’ll Get Stronger
One of the most obvious calisthenics benefits for speed training include the fact that you will be getting stronger with each session. Of course you’ll need to make sure you’re getting plenty of fuel in the form of healthy foods and beverages and that you’re getting plenty of rest, but if you do calisthenics in the form of pushups and leg raises and all the other exercises you tend to do when you’re training, you will get stronger and that will increase your power and, ultimately, your speed.
What Does It All Mean?
Hopefully by how you are convinced that you need calisthenics in your training regimen if you want to develop the kind of speed that makes others, including college scouts, take notice. You don’t want to be the slowest person on the field and you certainly don’t want to be second place. You want to win, and that’s why you train every chance you get, using all the tools you’ve been taught in order to carry you towards your winning goals. But if you don’t include calisthenics with the rest of your tools, you will eventually reach your glass ceiling and that’s where you’ll stay. So instead, realize the calisthenics benefits for speed training and train the way the experts do. Calisthenics are not ‘old-school’ or outdated, and they certainly won’t make you any slower. Instead, they’ll make you more coordinated, stronger and faster than ever. If you don’t believe it, try incorporating calisthenics into your normal routine and you’ll reach any speed-training goals you reach for yourself, guaranteed.
If you want to find more calisthenics benefits for speed training plus tons more, visit [], where you’ll find everything you’re looking for, including [Mind-Blowing Speed Training].
Anthony Sanza – How To Increase Speed In Running
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