A Navy SEALS workout is different to the goals of a typical fitness or bodybuilding workout. A typical fitness workout may focus on improving endurance and reducing fat, where as a bodybuilding workout focuses on the aesthetics of building muscle.
A Navy SEALS workout needs to deliver so much more than just muscle and endurance. It needs to deliver strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, power, and mental toughness and fast rates of recovery.
Power is a key word here. Navy SEALS are required to deliver short bursts of intense physical exertion. These short bursts need to be fast and strong. And that is what power is all about, strength AND speed.
The Navy SEAL also needs to be able to quickly recovery from these power bursts and become mentally and physically ready for another burst of activity when required.
3 Elements Of A SEALS Workout
There are 3 main factors that a SEALS workout needs to abide by:
1. Portability
SEALS need to be able to train anywhere and at any time.
Therefore a workout should require nothing more than the body of the operative himself. No equipment or weights should be needed.
The workout should also be able to be completed within a small area of space. Typically no more than the space required to lie down in.
2. Efficiency
The workout needs to be quick. Operatives are extremely busy and have a hectic schedule and thus do not have time to spend hours each day working out.
Ideally the workout should last between 20-30 minutes.
3. Tactical Relevancy
The workout needs to improve the key tactical physical skills required. It is not just about exercising for the sake of it and improving all round general fitness.
A Navy SEAL workout needs to be specific to the physical requirements of the field: power, speed, agility, strength, quick recovery, and mental toughness.
Example Navy SEALS Workout
Below is an example workout that can be used to build Navy SEAL fitness.
The workout uses simple bodyweight exercises that I am sure you have already come across.
Instead of doing the typical 4 sets of 25 reps of each exercise, to make the workout relevant to the SEALS it is a good idea to perform it like a superset.
This is where you do 25 reps of one exercises, and then go straight onto 25 reps of the next exercise but without a rest. Continue until you have done all 4 exercises in a row. THEN rest. And repeat.
E.G: Push-ups x 25 > Sit-Ups x 25 > Pull-ups x 10 > Squats x 45 > REST > REPEAT
You can try mixing up this workout with other bodyweight exercises such as dips etc. Also try increasing the reps and trying to reduce the rest period as you progress.
Navy SEALS Workout Summary
This page has provided a simple example of the sort of workout that contributes to Navy SEAL fitness.
The aim is to develop tactical fitness and not just general fitness.
For maximum intensity, the exercises should be done quickly, one after the other. The rest period should only come each time the complete cycle of exercises has been completed.
For more information on the sort of bodyweight exercises Navy SEALS perform, see the author’s related pages on bodybuilding without weights [http://musclewithoutweights.com/bodybuilding-without-weights] and chest exercises without weights [http://musclewithoutweights.com/chest-exercises-without-weights].
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Adam_J_Nicholson/952613
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6360683

Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2dmcMf4Hgiw2NOW_IMKoyQ