It’s not talked about often but some women are seriously addicted to exercise, or compulsive exercise addiction. It’s when you take working out to a whole new level and your workouts run your day.
Now as a woman who used to workout multiple times a day for several hours this is my problem, but I have a great support group that helps keep me on track. So why do some women become addicted to their exercise routines?
For some it’s a desire to have control over their weight and shape, for some it’s as if the world will fall apart if they don’t workout and for others, they are looking to get a workout “high”. 

But it really doesn’t matter the reason, being addicted to exercise is not a good thing. It can be bad psychologically and physiologically. For example, when I was in college and dealing with anorexia and exercise addition I ended up breaking my wrist while riding my bike. 

I was biking because I was trying to heal shin splints at the same time. Well, with my wrist in a cast, I had no choice to start running again even though I knew my shins were in bad shape. To make a long story short, they turned in to stress fractures and I had my leg in an air cast while my wrist was in a cast. Do you think it stopped me? Nope, I just started on the elliptical for less stress on my leg. Sad, I know.
So what helped me? 

When I got tired of my workouts and my diet running my life. Enough was enough and I knew that since I was hiding stuff from my friends and family that I had a problem.
What constitutes exercise going overboard?
Exercise addicts allow their workout plans to run their lives. Over family, friends, work, etc… workouts come first. There is no exception: More really is better. If there is more free time then that means more time to train. Nothing holds them back. It doesn’t matter if they are tired, sick, injured… they will find a way to workout.
So, how am I today? I admit that I get very anxious if I miss a workout. But I don’t have the need to workout every single day. I do have a strict workout routine that I follow and if I get thrown off than I find a way to get that workout in! But overall, I never workout more than 4-5 days a week and I never workout for longer than an hour.
Taylor Ryan is the “women’s trainer” with her weight training for women site, The Art Of Weight Lifting to give fat burning workouts, muscle toning programs and more to help you hit your fitness and weight loss goals. Get all the help you need, including nutrition to make a healthy lifestyle and not just another failed attempt to get in shape.
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