While everyone else is thinking about joining the Gym and losing some weight for the New Year, Endurance Athletes have been training hard over the Christmas break to perform on the first adventure race of the year, the legendary 
Fan Dance.

Last weekend three events were available:

The Fan Dance, Double Tap and Trident.

Some were also doing Blade Runner!
Clean fatigue choose to run, others TAB as they are carrying load, but all of them will be challenged by the hill.
AEE (Avalanche Endurance Events) are an awesome team to work hard to make this race the gold standard for both fun and safety.

There is always a different feel about this event when compared to other races.

There is a Military flavour to this event that makes every athlete sit up and take notice.

From the kit checks to the photo at the finish, this event is the real deal.

The Bulletproofbodies Team were there to keep all athletes from getting a Musculo-Skeletal injury and for treatment in between races.

Physio support from Dale and Uzo was available around the clock as we provide the necessary treatment to keep athletes going.

This is Claire who is clearly telling us that she wants to come in first place.

Mark in the ready position at the start of his third and final ascent.

Don’t forget to check out our e-book on injury prevention and management for the Hill.

We will see you back on the hill for the Summer Fan Dance 2019.
After the pain, a well-deserved Fan Dance Ale.
The Bulletproofbodies Team salutes all athletes and support staff with AEE.