CrossFit Slough’s (CFS) Immortal Challenge.
To provide support to the homeless in the local area, the 24-hour Immortal Challenge is raising money for Slough Homeless Our Concern (SHOC).

SHOC is a day centre that provides care and long term transformational help for the homeless, helping them back on their feet and putting them on the road to independence.

The Immortal Challenge is literally the definition of CrossFit:
“Constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity”.
They have chosen 24 HERO WOD’s which incorporate 40 different movements, covering the full range of athletic disciplines in the sport.

Every WOD will start on the hour, every hour for the 24 hours. There will be a mandatory pre-WOD briefing which will start at 10 minutes to the hour. 

During the briefing they will learn about the HERO who we are remembering, the workout, and all of the movement standards for that WOD.

The fact that they have 24 people willing to take part in this event is a testament to the strength of the CrossFit community.

 This is going to be a tough challenge and they will all need to help each other to get through the physical and mental fatigue that comes with endurance challenges.

While they will be separated into several teams throughout this challenge, they remain one CFS team from start to finish. 

If they work together they will get everyone to the end of the last workout – This is what our community does best: 

We dig deep and work as a team.

It is said that failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Injury prevention is critical for getting these athletes through the challenge, so I was extremely happy to volunteer my services and support these guys throughout the event.

Here’s what they said about me:

Dale, the founder of Bulletproof Physio, is an Ex-Military Physiotherapist; now working as a University Lecturer, writer, and Physiotherapist. 

Dale provides physio support to athletes at CrossFit competitions around the UK.

 We highly encourage you to see Dale about any pains, niggles, or twinges as soon as they occur. If you would like to know more about Dale, check out his Blog and YouTube channel on the links below.