Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a term used for cuff tendon conditions. There is no definitive agreement on exactly what constitutes tendinopathy. The term “tendinopathy” is applied generally to diseases and conditions that can affect tendons. There are more specific conditions such as rotator cuff tendinosis or tendonitis.
It is important to differentiate tendinopathy injuries from cuff tears. Tears are an entirely dissimilar condition. A number of the symptoms can be comparable; indeed, a number of the treatments are also very alike. Nevertheless they remain very different and distinct ailments.
Overuse Injuries, RSI and CTD.
Overuse injuries is a term that covers a broad range of repetitive motion injuries. It encompasses conditions including RSI (repetitive strain injury) and CTD (cumulative trauma disorder). The chief distinction is that the terms RSI and CTD are most frequently connected with workplace injuries and the phrase overuse injuries is mainly applied to sports injuries.
RSI includes such things as tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome and trigger finger. CTD is, in point of fact, pretty much, the same thing; the terms are virtually interchangeable.
Tendinopathy, Tendonosis Tendonitis, and Paratenonitis
Tendinopathy – The suffix “pathy” simply means illness or disease. Rotator cuff tendinopathy therefore is a more general term for a tendon injury.
Tendinosis- The suffix “osis” means a process, condition or state that is abnormal or diseased. Tendinosis is a chronic condition an accumulation of microscopic injuries that fail to heal properly
Tendonitis – The suffix “itis” means inflammation. Tendonitis injuries are those accompanied by inflammation.
The term paratenonitis refers to an injury specifically of the outer layer of a tendon. Previously terms such as tenosynovitis and peritendinitis were used. Tendinosis and paratenonitis can occur separately or together. In other words you can suffer an injury to the tendon, to the tendon sheath or to both at the same time.
Tendinopathy treatment
Regardless of the specific condition it is vital to keep in mind one very simple fact. The one person that can influence your recovery the most is YOU! Rotator cuff muscle exercises and rotator cuff strengthening exercises play a vital role in your recovery.
Whether it is a tendinopathy, a large tear, a small tear or impingement the response is the same. Performing a series of strengthening exercises will hasten recuperation and prevent a repeat. Join me to learn more about rotator cuff tendinopathy and how you can take action to overcome it.
Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises
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