I started off my Functional Movement journey whilst I was still serving as a Physiotherapist in the Royal Army Medical Corps.
Working with the Military elite we used FMS as an early warning detection system as part of a comprehensive injury surveillance system that was proactive rather than reactive.
The FMS involves seven movement challenges that represent normal functional movements:
1. Deep Squat
2. Hurdle Step
3. In-Line Lunge
4. Shoulder Mobility
5. Active Straight Leg Raise
6. Trunk Stability Push Up
7. Rotatory Stability

The overhead squat is used to determine range of movement in the shoulders, thoracic spine, hips, knees and ankles. It also tests motor control in symmetrical stance.

The Hurdle Step is designed to test range of movement and motor control in 

single leg stance with weight transfer over an obstacle
The In-Line Lunge tests your ability to stabilise in an asymmetrical foot stance.

This test is more challenging to stay balanced in -line and maintain an upright torso. 
The FMS gives you a score out of 21;
0 = Pain

1 = Dysfunctional Movement

2 = Normal Movement

3 = Optimal Movement

The top score of the day was by a mature athlete who was inappropriately dressed and still made it look easy!

Check out the FMS website and get your movement checked today:


Move well, Move often.