So with the Manchester Marathon been and gone how about some reading before the London Marathon?

Book of the Month is “Ready to Run” by Dr Kelly Starrett.

At Bulletproofbodies we are big fans of K Star and his original book Becoming a Supple Leopard which was a Best Seller in the USA:

K Star takes a lot of the same principles from CrossFit and applies them to running with significant effect.

Runners are notorious for not taking Stretching, Strength training and Foam rolling seriously.

The majority of Runners that we treated at the Manchester Marathon did no strength training, paid lip service to stretching and complained because the foam roller was painful.

These were the same athletes that just put themselves through the pain of 26.2 miles!

Check out his video below:

Ready to run gives a fresh look at the reasons why runners get injured and how to do something about it that is quick, easy and clinically effective.

Check out this book:

K Star, the Bulletproofbodies Team Salute you!