It’s the Reebok CrossFit Open 2017 and 17.4 is a repeat of 16.4.
Your job is to push your body hard and stay injury free over the next 2 weeks.
There are plenty of videos showing you how to optimise your performance for this workout.

However, we at Bulletproofbodies are about injury prevention, which includes taping:

  • Lower Back for the Deadlifts
  • Midline
  • Neck/Upper back

The Open workout 17.4 consists of the following:

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:

55 deadlifts, 225 lb.
55 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups


Bullet Points
·        Tape the low back, Midline and Neck/Upper back
·        Wear long socks/knee sleeves to protect the shins when Deadlifting
·        Overhead Shoulder Mobility in preparation for Handstand Push Ups
HaHamstrings and lower back for Deadlifts
·        Hip flexors, Quads and calf Stretches for that deep squat when catching the wall ball
·        Light Squats for the Wall Balls
·        Light Toe Touches for Deadlifts
Scapula elevation & Depression in Hand stand
·        Concentrate on your Technique, don’t get a no rep, especially on the HSPU’s
·        Pace yourself on the Deadlifts and break them up early
to  This WOD is all about the new standard on the HSPU’s , so be realistic and don’t expect to the second round of Dealifts if you have not got HSPU’s for 55 reps!
·        Cool Down on the bike
·        Compression Socks
·        Hydration
·        Nutrition
·        Mobilise all joints