It’s the Reebok CrossFit Open 2017 and 17.2 surprised us with yet more Dumbbells.
Your job is to push your body hard and stay injury free over the next 4 weeks.

There are plenty of videos showing you how to optimise your performance for this workout.

Image result for reebok crossfit open 2017

However, we at Bulletproofbodies are about injury prevention, which includes taping:

The WOD for 17.2 is:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 rounds of:
  •   50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  •   16 toes-to-bars
  •   8 power cleans
Then, 2 rounds of:
  •   50-ft. weighted walking lunge
  •   16 bar muscle-ups
  •   8 power cleans
Alternating between toes-to-bars and bar muscle-ups every 2 rounds.

Bullet Points
·        Tape the shoulders, low back & knees
·        Wear Knee Sleeves to protect the knees when lunging
·        Overhead Shoulder Mobility in preparation for kipping
·        Hip flexor & Quads Stretches
·        Hamstrings Stretches for T2B
·        Light Lunges and Bike for the Warm Up
·        Practice Bar Muscle Ups
·        Place the Dumbbells on top of your shoulders during the lunges
·        Pace yourself to get to the Bar Muscle Ups
·        Cool Down on the bike
·        Compression Socks
·        Hydration
·        Nutrition
·        Mobilise all joints