So, one down four to go!
The general consensus was that most people either had back pain or felt their back pump.
But what about your ability to concentrate when doing box jumps?

Check out the video below:

The great thing about the Open is that we can share in the suffering.
For most people this was a 20 minute Met con where we just grind away.
Your form on the Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch was actually the key to this workout.
The weight was heavy enough to challenge but light enough that you could muscle it up without using the proper technique.
Make sure that you were actually performing the Snatch movement so you should be feeling your hamstrings light up and not your lower back!
Take time out to mobilise your back with some simple knee roles whilst lying on your back.

Try some Thoracic rotations as your mid-spine will be stiff from that amount of reps.

Stretch out your glutes and do some light lunge work.

Don’t forget to stretch out your Quads and Hip Flexors.

Try it again, you will be faster!