We carry on with our theme of the month, which GETTING FIT.
A side effect of getting fit will be WEIGHT LOSS.
The statistics say that in the Western world we are exercising more and eating less, so why the obesity epidemic?
It’s about the amount of time that we are sedentary throughout the day.
Inactivity is the World’s 4th leading course of preventable disease.
With our Chair-centric society, the seated place has become dominant:
From Bed to Breakfast table.
From Car to Work.
From Work to the Lunch table and back to Work
From Work back to Car.
From Car to Sitting down for evening meal.
From Dinner table to Sofa
From Sofa back to Bed
But what if you workout?
Surely an hours exercise will negate all the effects of sitting?
There is also evidence that sitting can cancel out the effect of your workout!
That’s right. According to author of the phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking,” Dr James Levine, who is an Endocrinologist and lead researcher into the effects of prolonged sitting and sedentary behaviour.
It is about the amount of daily time that you accumulate in the sitting position.
Sitting is an independent risk factor!
The cure for too much sitting is not more exercise
Your metabolism slows down by a staggering 90% after only 30 minutes of sitting.
On average you would burn 50 calories more per hour by standing than sitting.
To reduce the amount of time that you sit, the most practical place to change would be your work station.
Bulletproofbodies recommend a standing desk.
However, you could be more daring and go for a Treadmill desk!
Check out which desk is best for you by visiting Sit to Stand .com:
Let’s all stand up to sitting down.
James Levine & Kelly Starrett we salute you.
Bulletproofbodies Team.