This month we stick with the theme of INTENSITY.
If you have been living in a cave for the last 10 years and have just come back to exercise, first of all welcome back and second, let’s talk about HIIT.
There is no evidence that spending hours in the gym doing low level Cardio is valuable time spent when we all lead busy lives.
Forget the fat burning zone in the gym and replace it with light activity throughout the day.
The Gym is a place to train. But you don’t need a Gym to workout.
All you need is the motivation and a small investment of your time.
HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training delivers the same if not better biological markers of fitness in an incredibly short amount of time.
Protect your workout time and guard it with your life.
You can get all the exercise benefits in just minutes.
This Medical Doctor in the above BBC 2 Video, is being educated about Exercise.
Check out the full video from Horizon: The Truth about exercise
From a recent study of HIIT (Gilllen et al, 2016 – see previous blog) medical markers of fitness like muscle, blood sugar, maximal oxygen uptake and body fat can all be changed in accumulated minutes over a 12 week training programme.
It is about intensity rather than duration.
However, intensity comes at a price.
Welcome to the pain cave!
I would also like to correct his posture, but that’s another Blog!
Take home message:
Bulletproofbodies Team