Strength in Depth 2019

                   Strength In Depth 2019 was the UK’s first CrossFit Sanctioned Event and it was amazing.Sam Briggs and Sara Sigmundsdottir among some of the big names for this competition.Massage Rx were proving...

Shin Splints and How to Get Rid of Them

             Shin SplintsAt Bulletproofbodies We have recently had lots of people asking us about shin splints, so hear is the way to Bulletproof your shins.As we at Bulletproofbodies know, the first thing to do any injury is to get...

Tight hip flexors?

                      As I’ve said many other times, the hip flexors are an area that has become more and more susceptible to tightness due to modern habits. A lot of people sit in a chair for 8...

Plantar fascia pain management

               Over the weekend the Bulletproofbodies Team were asked lots of questions about foot pain in particular, plantar fasciitis.After 22 years in the Military I can tell you that I have tried all sorts of tricks when it...