‘Bionic’ Claire Lomas Walks Manchester Marathon
Claire Lomas completed the Manchester Marathon in 9 days. Which is half as long as it took her to do her last Marathon!Claire was left paralysed from the chest down...
Ronald.Lee Ermey – A Tribute to a Military Legend
It is with great sadness that we heard that the legend Ronald Lee Ermey has passed away.He was a former United States Marine Corps staff sergeant and an honorary gunnery...
Stick Mobility – The New Way to Train
Stick MobilityLast weekend my buddy, Rock Doc Rob demonstrated stick mobility at the Rainhill Trials in Manchester.This was a huge success and attracted a lot of...
Matt Wallden Webinars – Infant Development & Motor Control
Matt is back with another amazing iWEbinar.Tonight (Thursday 12th April, 2018), starting at 20.00.Talking about infant development, motor control and how that relates to...
Rise & Recharge – Be the BOSS of your chair
Rise and RechargeAre you Chair-Aware?The average person’s sitting time is 9 hours a day.How long do you sit down for daily?If you can’t measure this then you can’t...
Joe Townsend wins Commonwealth Games Gold at Para-Triathlon
Joe TownsendFormer Royal Marine Joe Townsend has won gold for England after winning the first Commonwealth Games Para-triathlon.Joe, a former Royal Marine, lost both his legs in an...
CrossFit & Compex
Compex CrossFit values INTENSITY over everything else.The higher your intensity the better your results.A good training session should be followed by next day fatigue, this is the...
Mat Fraser Talks Compex
Mat could not squat below parallel after the 2016 Games.He had tried everythingMat Fraser had a great experience with just one session of Compex on his ankles.For training and...
How does Compex help me CrossFit?
Electrostimulation is not a miraculous technique, it respects how your body works.The principle of electrostimulation is very simple and precisely reproduces the processes...