Inspired to start skating?
Poor Elise, in going for gold she took a tumble. How about you, have you tried Speed Skating?When was the last time you went Ice Skating?Skating is a fun sport but one...
3 Sports to watch out for in this years Winter Olympics
Weightlifting is one of the most fascinating Olympic competitions, especially the amazing demonstrations of Greek lifter, Pyrros Dimas.Watching a man lift 207.5 kilograms...
Where does the Winter Olympics originate from?
The Nordic Games were the first iteration of winter Olympic games. Viktor Gustaf Balck first organized the Nordic Games in Sweden in 1901. This international mult-sport event...
Life Hack
Ok so we are a couple of blogs in now and with any luck you are understanding that my whole out look on life revolves around taking 100% responsibility for yourself, that means all your successes and failures, your ups, downs, highs and lows… YOU...
Wonder woman can’t save you!
‘I used to want to save the world, to end war and bring peace to man kind. But then i glimpsed the darkness that lives within their light. I learnt that inside everyone of them there will always be both. The choice each must make...
The world needs more super hero’s!
Hi, I am Charlotte, I am a lifestyle coach, a CrossFit addict, a Mummy and the founder of ‘Super Hero Academy’ a coaching platform that enables women to take 100% responsibility of their Health and Happiness!I am so grateful for this opportunity to...
Introducing Charlotte Whittle
For the next two weeks we have a guest Blogger for the Bulletrproofbodies Blogspot.Let me introduce Charlotte Whittle.Charlotte and Bulletproofbodies share a...
The Best Exercises for Skiers
As ski season approaches, when do you start preparing? Hopefully you don't think about getting yourself into shape once the snow starts to fall; this just doesn't...
What are 3-D Skiing Exercises?
How good is your direction and your balance when you ski? You may assume that balance, coordination, and the ability to point your body where you want it to go are...