Ski Fit Exercises To Improve Your Skiing Fitness
To become a better skier you need not just the right skiing technique but also the physical stamina, agility, and fitness to withstand the rigors of skiing. This...
The only Ski Fitness Exercises you’ll need
It is ski season again and lots of people are doing their best to lose weight and build their fitness ready for the slopes and the après ski. I like everyone else wanted to get in...
Simple Ski Prep Moves 1 – Single leg balance
Adding some skiing workouts to your program plan is a great way to improve your performance on the slopes and improve your overall muscular strength level for everyday...
Protecting Your Knees While Skiing
The knee joint is one of the most vulnerable areas for sustaining injury while skiing. Any snow lover will tell you that a strong, flexible and agile knee is critical for...
Bulletproof Your Body For Skiing
Skiing can be a fun winter sport, and as all sports, presents risks of injuries and pain from skiing mishaps. The most common ski injuries are:Knee sprains The most...
Yoga for the Inflexible Athlete
Yoga for beginners may be a bit challenging at first, but once you've gotten used to the different yoga poses and techniques, it will be a fun, continuous learning process.If...
No Nonsense Yoga for Athletes
It would be a very difficult task to find one group of people who would not benefit from yoga practice. Nearly everyone, regardless of age, shape, gender, background, or...
Ashtanga Yoga is Power Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga (also known as Power Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga) is a modern day form of classical Indian Yoga. It was popularized by Sri K.Pattabhi Jois who began his Yoga studies...
What Does Science Say About Yoga?
Yoga science is a study of the structural framework of the body; the composition and function of various organs and glands; the chemical reaction between glands and...