Bulletproof Your Festival Experience
The Festival season is upon us and the Bulletproofbodies team have just got back from Download Festival.It got us thinking that Festivals can by dangerous places,...
Bulletproof Your Devils Press
So what is the Devil’s Press?Well, it is a combination exercise using Dumb bellsOf a Down-Up Movement followed by a Dumb Bell SwingThe Bulletproofbodies team...
Bulletproofbodies Use RockPods
The Bulletproofbodies Team have just started using Rock Pods.So, what exactly are they?This unique set of eight silicone pods (4 large, 4 small) allow you to grab, pull and...
Bulletproof Your Landing Technique for Jumping
The final part of this Blog series is about the end of the jump, the landing.The Landing is the most important part of any jumping activity in terms of injury prevention.Landing skills...
Perfect Your Broad Jump Technique
This week we "stick" with the Standing Long/Broad Jump. We at Bulletproofbodies love this test of TRUE HORIZONTAL POWER from point A to point B. All that matters is how far you can jump. Now that this has become an Army Fitness Test it's time to...
Improve Your Standing Long Jump with the Bootstrapper Squat
So, yesterday we learned about the Hip Hinge-Squat Continuum and that the Kettle Bell Swing has a Functional Correlation to a standing long jump.The mistake most people...
Do Kettle Bell Swings hurt your back?
Now that the Standing Long Jump is part of the new Fitness Tests for the Army, do you want to be able to jump further?I thought so!The mistake most people make when attempting a standing long jump is that they Squat the movement rather than hip...
Hunter McIntyre gets the Wild Card at the CrossFit Games
Of all the changes made to the CrossFit Games schedule and qualification process, the one that seems to have elicited the greatest amount of emotional reaction from...
Bulletproofbodies & Sports Yoga
The OM Yoga show at Event City last weekend was amazing!Two days of everything Yoga from Laughing Yoga to Yogi Tea.The highlight for the Bulletproofbodies Team was...