Hi, I am Charlotte, I am a lifestyle coach, a CrossFit addict, a Mummy and the founder of ‘Super Hero Academy’ a coaching platform that enables women to take 100% responsibility of their Health and Happiness!
I am so grateful for this opportunity to share some of my thoughts with you guys over the next few days! A massive thanks to Mark for the opportunity to hijack his blog and to bring some of the principles of Super Hero Academy to you all..
So, Today is day one and I wanted to put this whole 100% responsibility thing in to context…….. Wouldn’t you agree that somewhere deep down inside you, given the current state of the world we live in, there is a small part of you praying for a team of lycra clad, freakishly strong, mind bogglingly smart superheroes to fly down to earth and clean up this awful mess we seem to have got ourselves in to?
From the horrific events in Manchester and London, to the political agendas, the recession, the cuts to services, the atrocities happening in countries all over the world every single day wouldn’t you agree that it would be far easier if ‘THE SUPER HERO’S’ showed up to fix it all?
Around 6 months ago I was walking around a lake near my home in the High Peak, I was the only person there, I stopped to sit on a bench and found myself in floods of tears… I was sat looking at the most beautifully still and peaceful lake, the blue sky, the trees in the forrest, it was stunning and I was crying because despite the beauty of this planet there is so much fear , sadness, darkness and hatred.
I cried because I was overwhelmed by the enormity of things that I am powerless to do anything about. I cried because I am only one person and how can I ever even begin to help make things any better? I cried because I know I have to do something… but sat on that bench at that lake I had no idea what on earth it was I am supposed to do.
So I asked…. out loud.. for the first time ever …there and then… amidst my tears I asked the universe, god, my spirit guide, my intuition, whoever the heck that may be listening to help me and to guide me… I asked the universe to ‘please just use me…. tell me where to go, tell me what to do, tell me what to say and to whom…’ Gabby Bernstein, author and Spirit Junkie says that in any time of doubt and fear this prayer opens doors to infinite possibilities and as the months have unfolded I am beginning to believe she is right.
I founded Super Hero Academy shortly after this day and since then I have been working with some incredible women who are all putting in to practice the four principles, or ‘controlables’ that I believe help” them to deal with whatever life throws at them.
There is a huge emphasis on loosing the ‘victim mentality’ on developing leadership skills, and self awareness that enables you to handle the challenges faced by any person alive on this planet toady.
I call this … becoming an AWESOME HUMAN..
So whilst we all sit around wishing that the Super Hero’s would hurry up, the reality is THEY ARE ALREADY HERE.. most just don’t know it!
You see YOU have the ability to make a difference, YOU have the ability to make an impact, to create a ripple that will in turn create a tidal wave of change.. but first you have to realise that for that to happen you must be ok with stepping in to your super power!
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