How are your New Year’s Resolutions going?
Keeping a workout fun, fresh, and new are sure ways to be sure that your New Year’s resolution is kept throughout 2009. If going to the gym and running on the treadmill or using the elliptical seem like an activity that you can not handle one more time, try these new and fun activities in the New Year.
Group exercises: Sometimes the motivation to workout is lacking when it comes to flying solo. Participating in a group activity will surely be a fun change of pace when it comes to getting fit. Some creative activities for the New Year include dance based routines such as Zumba, and military regimented boot-camp styled courses.
1. Yoga:
Yoga is a great way to relax and stretch. Even though this is a group based class, there is no competition between participants. Yoga is strictly about you. However, participating in group classes is a great way to share a positive experience with others.
2. Group Sports:
It doesn’t matter if you were the starting quarterback in high school or the water boy, participating in a group activity such as tennis, basketball or racquetball is a great way to work up a sweat as well as make some new friends. Team sports are a great way to make use of the competitive spirit as well as get fit. Just remember bowling with the guys on Wednesday nights while drinking beer and smoking cigars does not count as working out and will not help you to lose weight.
3. Get Back to Nature:
Getting fresh air outside is another great way to get in all the fitness and exercise that one needs. With so much time spent indoors these days, taking a long hike through the woods or along the beach will provide a great opportunity to get fit as well as get back to nature. Be sure to pack some healthy snacks while out on a hike. Some great choices include whey protein bars as well as energy drinks.
4. Hi-Tech Fitness:
From the way we listen to tunes to the specialty socks on our feet. Technology and fitness have merged together to bring getting fit into the 21st century. From MP3 players that we wear in our shoes to the moisture wicking properties of clothing, technology has given us the opportunity to take our workout to a whole new level. This is proven with Wii Fit and other interactive video games.
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