CrossFit Open 18.1 Tips & Tricks

18.1 is:
·        8 Toes-to-Bar
·        10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
(5 each arm; men use 50 pounds, women use 35 pounds)
·        14/12 Calories Rowed on a Concept 2 Rower (men/women)
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes.


Long Warm Up

10 Min Row

Hamstrings mobility for T2B
Don’t just be great out the gate.

No first round Heroes!

Be consistent, find the dark place and then just stay there.
Break T2B early.

50% rule – if 8 is your max T2B linked together then go for sets of 2’s

Kipping goes fast, no re-kip, don’t get a NO REP singles if necessary.

Use ONE Dumbbell 22.5 kg / 15 kg

Practice Push Press x 5 reps, no need to break up sets of 5

Push Jerk stability overhead is more difficult

Use Push Press instead
Relaxed grip on the Rower, be leg dominant if you can, save your arms

Be quick with your transitions.

Don’t be just one and done!

Good luck.