New standards for Burpees in 2018.
The rules of the Burpee have now been fixed.
The rules of the Burpee have now been fixed.
For the burpee, athletes will no longer be allowed to step down or step up.
Instead, athletes must leave the floor with both feet and “kick out” to get into the bottom position.
From there, both feet must be kicked back up at the same time.
From there, both feet must be kicked back up at the same time.
The change is in response to the community moving to the step back, step up pattern on burpees.
Athletes who choose to step back or up, will be considered “scaled”.
Athletes who choose to step back or up, will be considered “scaled”.
You can no longer step up or step down during the burpee, you HAVE TO JUMP.
Most people would start stepping when they get fatigued and some use the step as a pacing guide, either way, it’s no longer considered an “RX” movement.
You will get a NO REP and will have to start that burpee over again.
During the burpees, you must jump with both feet back, chest and thighs touch the floor, then jump with both feet back to your hands and stand up.
When doing Burpee jump overs, you have to jump over the Barbell/Dumbbell, so step up or back to get your feet next to the dumbbell and jump laterally over the dumbbell. That’s one rep.
When doing Burpee jump overs, you have to jump over the Barbell/Dumbbell, so step up or back to get your feet next to the dumbbell and jump laterally over the dumbbell. That’s one rep.
In the 18.0 in the burpee you must jump or kick your feet backwards, at the same time, and jump up with both feet at the same time.
You also had to jump with both feet over the dumbbell, you were allowed to take a step towards the dumbbell if you had somehow jumped to far or if you where not at the dumbbells side.
If you don´t jump, just step backwards, then it will be judged as a scaled version. Of course as always your chest has to touch the floor when you go down.
You must then raise yourself to a standing position before you jump over the dumbbell. Hips flexed for the jump, not like in a burpee over bar where you can jump almost lying down.
So let’s hope that CrossFit Open WOD 12.1 (AMRAP of 7 mins of Burpees) does not show its ugly face!.
Good luck in 18.2, whatever it will be.
So let’s hope that CrossFit Open WOD 12.1 (AMRAP of 7 mins of Burpees) does not show its ugly face!.
Good luck in 18.2, whatever it will be.