You have to love what you do.
That should apply to CrossFit.
That should apply to the Community.
CrossFit differentiates itself from many other fitness cultures because of the apparent closer ties both within its boxes and its wider universe. You pretty quickly know who everyone is at a box and any anti-social use of globo gym style earphones is quickly rinsed into submission. Members become friends, they share information and knowledge via social media and forums. They go out together, they attend competitions, they celebrate successes, they bond (aww bless), and they become aware of the wider network that is the CrossFit community. We know the score… right?
As the UK community grows though and CrossFit potentially makes the jump from cocky little pretender to fully fledged star of the team in the fitness world, we need to be aware that the things we loved about Crossfit may change. This may not always be for the better depending on where you’re at on these things.
Reebok’s involvement has always caused a stir and plenty of post Wod chat as we guzzle our Boditronics, BCAA’s, discuss injuries; swap paleo brownie recipes, and debate whether to start on steroids to make all this stuff a bit easier to deal with. Will Reebok ultimately care about the community or will it just be seen as an audience reach in the end? It’s inadvertently changed a few existing friendships I know of in the community already. Only the future will tell and we’ve just all got to ride it out and see.
On the flip side of a close knit box community, it can have its own subcultures too. As in all walks of life people gravitate towards those they feel they have most in common with, or are in line with their values and interests. Cliques are inevitable in most social communities and..well.. I guess CrossFit itself is the biggest clique of all while we are on the subject. People watching is a big guilty pleasure of mine and I pick up on social dynamics pretty well I like to think. I notice the people who make an effort with everyone, and those who don’t so much. There was a great comment on the CrossFit affiliates page relating to the healthy nature of cliques:
A core ‘group’ or clique that presents a non-exclusive non-alienating feel, can help create a cohesive motivating family environment = Good!
An ego driven group or clique that presents an exclusive alienating feel that is cold and stand-off-ish can do just the opposite = Bad!
Maybe we should ask ourselves when was the last time we walked up to a new member and chatted to them about their Crossfit experiences or just got to know them? We should all be mindful that CrossFit doesn’t turn into American high school stereotypes in UK boxes.
As CrossFit evolves at boxes and with wider competition being ever more accessible, is it creating a two tier CrossFit some may ask? The competitive tier for those who love to pit their wits against other Crossfitters, take it on to another level, or see where they lie in a larger scale hierarchy. Then there are those that are happy with just using the regime to improve their life, get mobile and fitter and take it one PB (Personal Best) at a time.
The reality is people have different goals and are at different stages of their CrossFit experience. General programming cannot always cover all the bases for everyone in their own set timelines of achievement. You only have to look at how the programming at an affiliate now is a world away from where it will have been two years ago. Yet, we have new starters coming in at a higher standard because that’s just the way it is. The game has changed my friends… it’s inevitable. More is achieved by of the average CrossFitter both at your gym and I’m sure, boxes across the world. Look at the rapid progress of the new breed. Their linear progression across skills, loads and volume has often been far steeper than probably anyone who picked up CrossFit two years ago because they viewed a standard where they wanted to be and don’t know any different. This is the catch net effect of competition from the top level down in CrossFit. It pulls everyones development along at a quicker rate. So if people want an accelerated development, whatever ability, the Advanced/competitor programmes are an option, nothing more.
To me that two tier has always been there, its just more evident now the chance to compete outside your box is more frequent and accessible and the abilities of your boxes ‘firebreathers’ (top tier athletes) move further on from your general population. That should be celebrated and it is up to everyone to ensure those two elements aren’t at loggerheads. It’s up to firebreathers to stay grounded and inclusive, and its up to others not to feel lesser or envious.
CrossFit in the UK is changing. It is moving out of its innocent, ‘yay lets all be friends’ stage into something else. Sometimes the rose tinted glasses of the community need to come off.
Manchester will be one of the first UK cities to have to manage a higher than average concentration of CrossFit boxes. Three are loads of Boxes in Manchester. The lines between friends and competitors are getting blurred for sure and not just in a throwdown workout! Things are becoming a lot more professional and business like (e.g. see the growth of cross sell products within gyms) and rightly so I guess.
As this concentration increases a couple of things maybe need to happen. Either the general public moves away from the Fitness First gyms of this world and see the CrossFit light. (This could be the massive gain from Reebok’s marketing work and create demand and an upturn of interest)
Or, individual boxes are going to have to raise their game and shine like hell to attract and keep members in a heavily contested market. This is where the issues of U.S. boxes that we have only read about could come home to roost! Members switching for cheaper memberships, specialisations, location, or, hell, just to change up. Don’t be surprised in the future if it turns into a car insurance situation with some, where loyalty has no place. I’m sure this will be a small section of the CrossFit membership but a headache nonetheless for box owners trying to keep a steady revenue. A group membership idea for multiple boxes is something that has been adopted in the US for high concentration areas. A noble idea! As to whether that could work in the UK with the numbers doing CrossFit, the logisitics of creating it and the reward for the individual boxes… hmmm toughie!!
Whatever happens… for every great new development in the community there is always a new problem. It’s just how we choose to manage it to ensure the magic STAYS in the community.
For more info go to
Sean Murray is a Manchester Personal Trainer/ CrossFit Trainer in Castlefield. He also runs his own boot camp in Moston, North Manchester. He works with clients on their weight/fat loss goals as well as performance athletes such as Triathletes and Rugby League players to improve work capacity or weaknesses.
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