The wait is finally over and 18.1 has been revealed.

The announcement continued a trend of international destinations for the live 

broadcasts, which for 18.1 was hosted at Ginasio Poliesportivo Dr. Antonio Leme 

Nunes Galvao, also called Morumbi Stadium, in São Paulo, Brazil.

18.1 is:
·        8 Toes-to-Bar
·        10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks
(5 each arm; men use 50 pounds, women use 35 pounds)
·        14/12 Calories Rowed on a Concept 2 Rower (men/women)

As many reps as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes.

It was Holte Vs Briggs:

Kristin Holte took an early lead in the first Open Workout but Sam kept a steady and controlled pace that the Norwegian athlete was simply unable to match over the full 20 minutes of the workout.
‘I just kept counting the reps for each movement and that helped me keep my pace.’

‘I got a few no reps at the beginning which slowed me down.’

‘I tried to go faster at the end but it didn’t really work!’

Sam kept a pace of around 1000 cal per hour on the rower, and stuck to a time frame of 1 min 26 seconds for each round.
On round 6 she really put the hammer down and began to push forward and establish a pace that Holte was unable to keep up with.
Sam finished with 409 reps and Kristin managed 379.

Well done to both of these amazing athletes.

Now it’s your turn!