Safety and efficiency is the name of the game in 18.4.

Before you even attempt this Rx.

Do you have any of the following:
1.     Neck injuries

2.     Back injuries

3.     Heavy Diane is close to your 1 RM


You have to complete Diane first,
 then get through 21 heavy Deadlifts,
 before you even start Handstand walking.

Don’t sprint through Diane and fatigue yourself for Heavy Diane.


For the Deadlift, try singles and drop from the top to avoid eccentric fatigue.

Use a staggered grip for extra strength, this is much better then hook gripping.

Handstand Push ups

Watch the new standard for Handstand Push ups

Use plates and an ab mat to protect your head


Hand-release Push Ups and Bear Crawls

Don’t snake rep the push ups with a bum first movement

Rest at the bottom of the movement

Avoid “bro reps”

Try kipping hand-release push ups (hands and foot release at the same time)

Bear crawl with wide feet

don’t forget to start with your hands BEHIND the line to start

Masters (55+)

Push press instead of handstand press ups
