This is our first Benchmark Workout in the Open.
Deadlifts & Handstand Push Ups
Break before you’re broken.
Try breaking your sets up into 3 x 7; 3 x 5 and 3 x 3.
Save your forearms
Then Roaming Heavy Diane
Heavy Deadlifts (142 kg) & Handstand Walking
Hand-stand walks are in the open for the first time!
Handstand Push Ups
Protect your neck & back
Don’t get NO REP’D on the Handstand push ups
Think “HEELS UP”
Hand width matters, find your sweet spot between too wide or too narrow.
You must start with your heels above the line!
Avoid “Bro reps” and have the moral courage to no rep yourself.
For the Deadlifts use a Mixed grip is stronger.
Wear a belt for this workout.
Use the Rower to warm up as this simulates the deadlifts.
Hang from the bar.
Warm up your hamstrings.
Single leg Kettle Bell Deadlifts.
Wall Walks
CrossFit SOAR have 2 rules:
1. Don’t do anything Stupid
2. Don’t do anything that ends up on a fail video.