Matt is back with another amazing iWEbinar.

Tonight (Thursday 12th April, 2018), starting at 20.00.

Talking about infant development, motor control and how that relates to injury prevention:

In this webinar, you will learn:

Why motor learning is key to injury prevention, rehabilitation and realising your potential.
How the nervous system evolved to generate animal locomotion
How this evolutionary (phylogenic) process is reflected in our own infant development (ontogenic) processes
Why normal infant development is key for inhibition of infantile reflexes that may compromise adult populations
How to spot signs of reflexes that were never inhibited or have become disinhibited
Why breast-feeding is essential for optimal visual and motor development
About mental-emotional correlates with infant development and how these may impact on motor learning
About the miracle of foresight with the benefit of hindsight…

Get your tickets to this informative Webinar at the link below:

Matt Wallden, The Bulletproofbodies Team Salute you.
