Last week in Austin, Texas, the world’s biggest Paleo conference was held.
Heal yourself, Change the World.
What is Paleo?

Paleo is a way of eating that truly goes back to basics, Paleolithic diets are all about eating like our ancestors did.

While you may not be inclined or even required to chase down a wildebeest, Paleo fans aim to eat as naturally as possible, opting for grass-fed meats, an abundance of fruit and veg and other wholefoods like nuts and seeds.
Some relaxed versions of the diet allow taboo foods (that were not necessarily available during that era) like low-fat dairy products and potatoes, while others shun even fruit or veg that is considered to contain too much fructose.
Paleolithic living as a dietary concept was first promoted by gastroenterologist, Dr Walter L Voegtlin.
His book, The Stone Age diet, was published in 1975 and paved the way for a plethora of different Paleolithic approaches, all similar in their core principles but with varying rules and restrictions.
Common terms for these types of diet include the caveman diet, the hunter-gatherer diet and of course, the Paleo diet.
Paleo F(x) 2018

The topics included:
Ancestral Health
Functional Medicine
Strength & Conditioning

Paul Chek was one of the key note speakers.
Check out what Paul has to say in the Video above:
Paul Chek, the Bulletproofbodies Team Salute you.