Now that the Standing Long Jump is part of the new Fitness Tests for the Army, do you want to be able to jump further?
I thought so!
The mistake most people make when attempting a standing long jump is that they Squat the movement rather than hip hinge.
Are you mixed up on the Hip Hinge-Squat Continuum?
It’s all about how much you bend your knees!
This excellent Video from Dan John explains why you might be getting back pain when performing kettlebell swings.
The Goblet Squat is the perfect squat as it requires the most amount of knee flexion.
The Kettle Bell Swing is the perfect Hip Hinge as there is minimal knee bend.
This is also how you perform a standing long jump technique.
It is a Hip Hinge and NOT a Squat!
To Jump further you should Kettlebell swing.
Later this week I will tell you about the importance of the Bootstrapper Squat as a Warm Up/Mobility Exercise to improve your standing Long Jump.
Check out Dan’s Website on the link below: