Fan Dance – Summer 2021


This without doubt is the Bulletproofbodies Boys favourite race of the year.

It had been a year and a half since the last Fan Dance with AEE

After an awesome weekend in the #breconbeacons #wales some reflection for this event.

It was great to do all those things that we have missed:

1. The community
2. Being outdoors
3. Having a goal to focus on
4. Something to look forward to
5 Challenging our fitness

In a world ? where good health has never been more important we must get back to training, getting outdoors and more importantly seeing those in our fitness community that’s why @gone_tabbing is so crucial to getting us back on track, keeping us motivated and embracing the suffering together.

The Bulletproofbodies team do their bit by keeping you all educated, empowered and enabled with regards to #injuryoreventiontraining

? Inactivity is the enemy ?

? Bulletproof Your Body ?

#brecon #hill #dalewalkerphysio #bulletproof #bulletproofbodies #avalacheenduranceevents #injuryprevention #injuryrecovery #exercise #health #outdoors #gonetabbing #eliteoutdoorfitness

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