Bulletproof Your Press Up – Part 3


This is the third in the series on how to Bulletproof Your Press up.

The part of the Press Up that is often performed too fast is the negative or eccentric movement of lowering the body to the floor.

Often this is done at speed by a dropping motion that misses out the true benefit of eccentric/negative muscle work.

By focussing on the lowering phase we make the exercise more challenging, so each press up has increased time under tension.

This will also prepare the upper body for when we progress to “Plyometric Push Ups,” as we absorb the force from the landing.

Note that the elbows are close to the body similar to “Chaturanga” in Yoga.

If the elbows are allowed to splay outwards this puts the scapulas in upwards rotation and elevation, which is a poor  position to generate from.

The upper fibres of trapezius should not be over-active in this movement as we want the lower fibres engaged. We also want to remind you about the 5 Pillars of Stability:

1. Cervical  Spine retraction

2. Scapula retraction and depression

3. Mid-Line Stabilisation – Belly Button to Spine

4. Pelvic stability – Squeeze Glutes

5. Big toes engagaed

So, now try and incorporate the “eccentric pressup” into your exercise routine.

The longer the lowering the greater the gains.

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