– Be Specific with what you want to achieve
– Don’t just roll everything without understanding why
Fascia is similar to a diamond shape and works like a Chinese Finger Trap.
The more you try to pull your fingers out of the trap, the more it tightens.
What you need to do is simply push your fingers together to loosen the trap and escape.
The Illio-Tibial Band (ITB) Syndrome is a common musculo-skeletal complaint by many athletes.
Glutes and Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) feed into the ITB.
Generally speaking, Glutes get long and weak, TFL gets short and tight.
There is very little specificity in rolling the entire lateral thigh.
Think, what do I want to achieve?
We want to release the tightness in the TFL.
Which way do the fibres run?
You need to roll WITH the direction of the fibres to help lengthen the muscle, such as the TFL.
You need to roll AGAINST the direction of the fibres to help tighten the muscle, such as the Glutes.
So, make sure you are rolling the muscle in the right direction and you will see much better results.
At Bulletproofbodies we recommend the latest in foam roller technology the Pulse roll, which combines Vibration therapy into the Foam Roller:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/JDCav24