Here’s a quick re-visit to last week when 18.2 was released.
On the 1st of March 2018, Noah Ohlsen did battle against Patrick Vellner at the CrossFit Open Workout 18.2 live announcement.
On the 1st of March 2018, Noah Ohlsen did battle against Patrick Vellner at the CrossFit Open Workout 18.2 live announcement.
This was held at CrossFit R.A.W at Gibsonia, Pennsylvania.
Noah won the WOD for 18.2 and Patrick won the lift for 18.2 A.
Their times for 18.2 were insane!
Then they were able to lift big when fatigued.
Their times for 18.2 were insane!
Then they were able to lift big when fatigued.
18.3 gets released in hours, what will it be?