If an exercise routine is correctly planned and properly adhered to improvements in physical strength will result as the body adapts to the load. Exercise is one method of making the body accustom itself to handle the imposed training loads. For adaptation to take place, the following must be given strict attention to during both the planning stages and the implementation of the plan afterwards.
     The stimulus magnitude, more commonly referred to as the overload
The stimulus magnitude
The correct amount of stimulus or overload brings about positive changes in the athletes physical state. This load must be greater than what the body is normally accustomed to for a positive change to take place. There are two ways to manage the adaptation process. One is to increase the intensity or volume, and the second is to select different exercises.
Training loads are divided into these categories:
     Stimulating-the magnitude of the load is above the neutral level which allows positive physical changes to take place.
     Retaining-also known as the neutral zone as the body is just maintaining its present condition
    Detraining-too much of a good thing causes a deterioration in performance, the functional capabilities in the athlete or both the performance and functional abilities.
Accommodation to training
Accommodation to training is the second part of the adaptation process. If the same load and the same set of exercises are consistently used time after time the body soon adapts, and then stops making progress.
“This is a manifestation of the biological law of accommodation, often considered a general law of biology”. According to this law, the response of a biological object to a given constant stimulus decreases over time. Thus, accommodation is the decrease in response of your body to a constant continued stimulus. In training, the stimulus is physical exercise.”  Inefficiency occurs due to the accommodation law if standard exercises and training loads are used over long periods. Training stimulus MUST vary in order to be beneficial.
This training stimulus must be as specific as possible to the sport or activity one is training for in both muscular coordination and physiological demands. A high transfer of training results when using specific exercises during the training session. However, these two requirements (the same standard exercises and training loads) present problems for the elite athlete. The training has to be variable to avoid accommodation and yet stable enough to satisfy the demands of specificity.
To avoid the staleness that accompanies accommodation, qualitative and quantitative alterations are made to the plan. Quantitative changes are those changes made to the training loads. Qualitative differentiation results in the selection of different yet specific exercises. Elite athletes require broad qualitative changes to their programs to remain on top of their sport.
Specificity of training
Specificity of training is the holy grail of all sports coaches. Without specificity, the sessions are for naught. Most every coach and athlete knows that resistance training increases muscle mass and strength. And, that endurance training increases positive changes in aerobic capabilities. 
Described another way, specificity simply means a transfer of training effect to the sport or activity being trained for in the first place. But, just why is this transfer so important? Because of the positive results on the playing field, that’s why.
Standard deviations of measurement indicate the crossover effect of properly designed specificity training regimens to be dependent upon movement velocity, joint angle, and production of force amongst others. These must mimic the actual sport conditions in the areas previously mentioned.
Individualization of training
Everyone is different and the same training program will not work for everyone. It is ludicrous to set up a professional, college or experienced athletes’ routine for a novice strength athlete. Yet it is done in countless High Schools worldwide every single day. If the coaches would take the underlying principles of the program and make the necessary modifications to fit their athletes then positive adaptive progressions would be the result. These principles should be creatively applied, not cookie cutter applied straight across the board, but correctly applied.
Average routines are for average people not those with training experience. These individuals need special treatment in their program design. Routines are best made with the end result constantly kept at the forefront. With the athletes needs kept in the forefront and the two meshed together so the sum is greater than either part. Synergy of action, transference of training, hard work and fun all combine to produce a positive training effect on the athlete.
All quotes taken from Science and Practice of Strength Training, Zatsiorsky, V.M. Human Kinetics 1995
Danny M. O’Dell, M. A. CSCS*D is the co-owner of The Explosivelyfit Strength Training Gym and Explosivelyfit.com both located in Nine Mile Falls, WA. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, recognized with Distinction by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He has a Masters Degree in Human Services and is a strength and conditioning coach in a local School District along with being a member of the Washington State Coaches Association.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Danny_O’Dell/34613
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1769554

Video: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIEwO-wTD11sIGABt2Luh9A