by salsajunkie | Oct 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
There are several potential risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes. Some of these are controllable, such as regulating your body weight, whereas others are factors outside your influence,...
by salsajunkie | Oct 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Hip Flexors are muscles in the body you definitely need to pay attention to. As I’ve said many other times, the hip flexor is an area that has become more and more...
by salsajunkie | Oct 2, 2017 | Uncategorized
A strong back will stop you getting injured. Here are 7 of the best for CrossFit.Not surprisingly, people with strong trunk muscles and well conditioned leg and hip muscles are less likely to develop...
by salsajunkie | Sep 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Why don’t I need weights to get bigger or get strong?The reason is simply this: You need resistance, not weights. Adding weights is a great way to increase resistance and therefore the...
by salsajunkie | Sep 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Rotator cuff tendinopathy is a term used for cuff tendon conditions. There is no definitive agreement on exactly what constitutes tendinopathy. The term “tendinopathy” is applied...