Bulletproof Your Press Up – Part 5
Bulletproof your press up part 5EDUCATE - EMPOWER - ENABLEThe Press Up Plus is a great Exercise for working the Scapula movements of Protraction and Retraction. This places emphasis on the muscles that control scapula stability, most notably, the...
Bulletproof Your (Hand-release) Press Up – Part 4
Bulletproof Your Press Up - Part 4 EDUCATE - EMPOWER - ENABLEThe "Hand-Release" press up is a great way to test your endurance when it comes to correct form and body tensioning. It requires you to "reset" your body tensioning everytime. So there...
Bulletproof Your Press Up – Part 3
Bulletproof Your Press Up - Part 3 EDUCATE - EMPOWER - ENABLEThis is the third in the series on how to Bulletproof Your Press up. The part of the Press Up that is often performed too fast is the negative or eccentric movement of lowering the body...
Bulletproof Your Press Up – Part 2
Bulletproof Your Press Up - Part 2 EDUCATE - EMPOWER - ENABLEThis is the second video in the series on Bulleting proofing your press ups. The first video was about leraning how to body tension. This second video is about control of your shoulder...
Bulletproof Your Press Ups – Part 1
Bulletproof Your Press UpEDUCATE - EMPOWER - ENABLEWe begin this post with the classic press up exercise. The Press up is in almost everyone's routine, but in order to optimise this exercise we need to get the basics right. Often we find that...
CrossFit fixes that which Medicine baby sits
Most of you that follow Bulletproofbodies are already regular exercisers so we are preaching to the converted. Our global community are already finding...
THE FITTEST – Official Trailer
In need of some motivation? Then look no further. In 2018 there was no CrossFit Games documentary. Last week the Buttery Bros ( Heber Cannon and Marston Sawyers ) released...
10 ways To Bulletproof Yourself Against Ski Injuries
We have just got back from Skiing in the Alps whilst racing in the Army Medical Services annual meeting in both Alpine and Nordic. We were also treating loads of Skiing-related...
Were You at Strength In Depth 2020?
Strength In Depth 2020 happened this weekend just gone and it was amazing! Top athletes from the US were throwing down with the best of the British at the UK’s only...